i2 has teamed up with MIT RAISE to create Day of AI. Click to learn more >

i2 Learning has partnered with over 20 of the world’s leading STEM organizations to develop a wide variety of STEM courses not typically seen in schools today.

Courses have been run successfully as immersive in-school experiences, summer programs and as stand alone activities throughout the school year. Each course comes with a step-by-step educator guide, student pages, a materials list, and training videos. All curriculum is completely free and can be adapted to fit your particular school classroom needs. 

Click on the course you are interested in to gain access to the curriculum.


Single Day Courses 

(4-5 hours in total)

Teachable Machines

Upper Elementary
Grades 3-5

Social Media and Misinformation

High School
Grades 9-12

Can Machines Be Creative?

Middle School
Grades 6-8

Personal Image Classifier: PICaboo

High School
Computer Science Track
Grades 9–12


Week Long Courses

(20-25 hours in total)


Month Long Courses

(80 - 100 hours in total)

Building a Lunar Colony

Month Long


Month Long


Year Long Courses

(30-40 weeks in total)

Food & Food Systems

Communities & Social Networks

Power & Power Sources

Capstone Project